Photo by Inquirer alum

Photo by Inquirer alum

It was at Jane Shoemaker’s suggestion that we gathered – pre-party – some of the “funny and wonderful memories” from the old newsroom. Jane started us off; your comments follow. And it’s not too late to add others. Just use the ‘comments’ box below.

“… Like the graffiti you surely remember from the 5th floor women’s bathroom on the back of a stall door: Why does everyone always charge into the 2nd stall?” To which a copy editor, no doubt, had scratched: “Everyone? Always?” And the newsdesk pastepot races. And Ray stripping wires. And the bulletin board, which had a habit of creating bogus messages (or in the case of Doug, real messages that sounded bogus — “Ed the bed henceforth will be Edward the bedward.”). And when Lovelady hosted MOVE in the glass room and we had to fumigate. Or when Larry Bowa jumped (okay, rose) out of Foreman’s cake. And desktop speeches on Pulitzer day.